
March 27, 1964

NPR has a detailed story on and some cool photos of the tsunami that struck me hometown, Crescent City, a little more than 30 years ago. Still the worst tsunami on record in the continental U.S. The C-Town got hit by four distinct waves, so fuck you New Orleans!

During this momentous event, according to family legend, my father was asleep in a trailer in Klamath Glen. Down the road a bit, at the mouth of the river, the little town of Klamath was completely destroyed.

You can still see signs of the devastation today, particularly if you take a Jet Boat tour of the river. There are several bridge foundations still hanging over the river, and the high water marks can still be seen on the foothills.

History will probably show that I was the biggest disaster to come out of Crescent City, but the tsunami is a close runner-up.


Blogger Bryonm said...

When did you leave NorCAl? Did you go to Del Norte High School? What year did you graduate? We always killed you guys in football but you guys usually won the fight afterwards. And you had weird cheerleaders.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Chazzbot said...

Oof, a personal question. I left Norcal shortly after entering 5th grade, so I'm afraid I never made it to DNHS. But I visit my relatives in CC semi-regularly, or I used to. Remind me to tell you my Bigfoot story.

11:39 PM  

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