Roy Neary Now in Chemo

FRIDAY, Feb. 2 (HealthDay News) -- People who spend a lot of time behind the wheel may be motoring their way to an increased risk of skin cancer on the left side of their body, U.S. researchers report.
"Since previous scientific findings have shown an association between one-sided exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) and an asymmetric facial distribution of sun damage, we would expect that skin cancers also would be more prevalent on the left side of the body in drivers who spend a significant amount of time in their cars," Dr. Scott Fosko, professor and chairman of dermatology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, said in a prepared statement.
"Our initial findings confirm that there is a correlation between more time spent driving and a higher incidence of left-side skin cancers, especially on sun-exposed areas in men," Fosko said.
You can read the rest of this story here, though the primary purpose of this post is to make a lame Close Encounters joke using the image above for the two people who might A) get it, and B) actually find it mildly amusing.
Me, I think I'm hilarious.
In other news, Wonder Woman is now expected to survive for a second movie, and my new bifocals make me look more like Baltar than I ever did before. I am now seeking God and/or a platinum blonde in a slinky dress, assuming there is a (spoiler?) difference.
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