
Breaking News: Guitars May Be Phallic

Here is the greatest quote in the history of journalism, courtesy of CNN's exploitative coverage of some overly-prudent dumbasses' reactions to Prince's Super Bowl performance:

"I think it was one of those things because a guitar at waist level does look like an enormous phallus."

In other news, CNN reporters have discovered that the phrase "rock 'n' roll" was an African-American euphemism for intercourse. Hide the children! Here comes Chuck Berry and his huge cock!

And coming soon: CNN leads the charge to ban Negro performers from the Super Bowl forever.

Stay tuned for more ground-breaking journalism from CNN's Jigaboo Watch!


Blogger Unknown said...

That was the best half-time show I can remember watching, if not the only half-time show I can remember watching. Prince is the stuff!

7:02 PM  

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