A Good Day to Die

Well, Billville beat me to the full story, but I thought these remarks should be reproduced. I can't decide whether I want to applaud this guy--sorry--the representative for his wily implementation of popular culture iconography to make a more resonant argument or if he's just an immature loser who is sadly indicative of the quality and general intellectual capability of the members of Congress. This little speech wouldn't sound out-of-place in a high school debating class, particularly the limp conclusion: "It is wrong." We're a long way from Lincoln, or even Kennedy. (But, then again, they didn't know about Star Trek. Or did they?)
In any case, it provides a good excuse to post a picture of Klingons on the site. (That's TV's John Larroquette on the right and Christopher Lloyd in the center, FYI.)
Here is the full text of Mr. Wu's remarks, via the Congression Record:
(Mr. Wu asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)
Mr. Speaker, 4 years ago, this administration took America to war in Iraq without adequate evidence. Since that time, the administration has not listened to the American people, it hasn’t listened to our professional military, and it certainly hasn’t listened to this Congress.
It was said of a prominent businessman in downtown Portland that he never listened to anybody and that if he was ever drawn in a cartoon he would be drawn without ears.
Now, this President has listened to some people, the so-called Vulcans in the White House, the ideologues. But unlike the Vulcans of Star Trek, who made the decisions based on logic and
fact, these guys make it on ideology. These aren’t Vulcans. There are Klingons in the White House. But unlike the real Klingons of Star Trek, these Klingons have never fought a
battle of their own.
Don’t led faux Klingons send real Americans to war. It is wrong.
So say we all.
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