
Mormons in the News

Couple of interesting items from last Sunday's papers:

Ever wonder if anyone still supports Bush in two-digit numbers? Look no further than the Beehive State, where Bush enjoys an approval rating at or above 50%. (Surely it's only a coincidence that a prominent religious leader in the state is rumoured to be operating a human incinerator.) One BYU student--a junior, no less--is quoted as saying, "I'm not sure of anything he's done, but I like that he's religious — that's really important."

So much for critical thinking. If Clinton had only had a Bible on hand while he was getting his wood smoked, maybe Utahns would have repealed the 22nd Amendment!

Seriously, this kind of shit is embarassing. The fact that the article appeared on the front page of the NYT doesn't help matters. On the other hand, maybe we get the government we deserve. And maybe Jesus will show up tomorrow, only to be immediately detained by Homeland Security and interrogated on his past activities in the Middle East. "Where was that goddamn hippie on 9/11?", I can hear a beleaguered Tony Snow grumble off-mike. "The President has been fighting terrorism here since Day One."

Closer to home, the SLTribune speculates on what Mormons will do if political gadfly Mitt Romney isn't given his due by the Republicans come primary time. Will Mormons abandon the Party and join the Democrats for a protest vote? Will Romney offer even more obsequious excuses to the LDS leadership for distancing himself from Utah so quickly? Is is possible that Utah voters might pause to think before they cast their next vote? Stay tuned for the Final Days, suckas.


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