

Holy shit, it's windy today. Cedar City is getting wind gusts of up to 35 MPH. Not much by Ohio standards, perhaps, but enough to knock over the neighbor's basketball hoop and rattle the swamp cooler. It makes me nervous and agitated, but then, so do most things.

Wind's rising all over the Empire, apparently. Couldn't let the Cheney shooting go by without some links:

Why some hunters are questioning the details we've heard so far about Whittington's injuries and how they were caused, along with this reminder--A shooting accident is always the fault of the shooter. Always. I would love to hear from my gun-owning friends on this one.

Via Billville, the transcript of yesterday's White House press briefing by SpinMaster McClellan. Unbeknownst to the reporters in attendance, at this point McClellan had already learned of Whittington's heart attack. Suddenly, things didn't seem so funny anymore, as Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reports.

Why should you care about all this? As David Ignatius points out in his editorial for the Post, the Cheney shooting "illustrates how wealthy, powerful people can behave as if they are above the law" and serves as yet another reminder of the Bush administration's disregard for truth and reponsibility. What I wouldn't give for another blow job scandal.

I've never fired a weapon. I don't know the first thing about how to handle, load, or discharge a gun. I do know that shooting birds from a car is lazy and dishonorable, and hardly the sport of men. I do know that Cheney is a lying scumbug with little regard for the press or the public he so diligently claims to protect. And I wish someone in this administration would take some fucking responsibility for the pain they've inflicted on the people of this nation.

This is why I don't write about politics much. It just persuades my doctors to increase my dosage. Soon I'll have my own medical entourage, no doubt.

Today's post, as vitriolic as it is, was inspired by the news that JonLee reads Chazzbot daily. I have not served him well over the last few days, so I will strive to put something up on a more regular basis for his amusement, and in the hope that he will let me oil his chest in return.

Here's a great post idea that I'm totally going to steal. Or meme. Whateva. Stay tuned, and I might actually follow up on these post teases.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet! My name in lights! So this is how it feels to be famous...

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, everyone in Utah who wants to get a hunting license MUST take and pass a hunter safety class. Seems like Dick needs a refresher course along with all of the native middle schoolers revved up for their first kill.

THIS is the man some people chose for their second-in-command? Last time I checked, there's a huge difference between a quail and a human being. There's a joke in here somewhere; I just can't find it yet.

3:13 PM  

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