Doing the Lord's Work

Great article in the Washington Post today about the embattled George W. and his growing concerns over his legacy. There are many enlightening details in the article, but none to answer the question of how the American public let this fuck steal the office in two elections, why Bush never bothered to question himself during his previous six years in office, or why it has taken the nation's news media this long to notice the emperor's lack of clothes, dignity, or humility.
Still, I gained a smug sense of satisfaction reading the piece. The inner me (who, apparently, is always shouting with the gusto of an inebriated football fan) was, like, "Woo-hoo! Fuck you, asshole! Choke! Choke! Choke!"
But there are some troubling details of Bush's presidency that have yet to be addressed seriously. Among them:
Michael Novak, a theologian who participated [in "scholarly" discussions Bush has been hosting in the White House], said it was clear that Bush weathers his difficulties because he sees himself as doing the Lord's work.
"His faith is very strong," said Novak, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "Faith is not enough by itself because there are a lot of people who have faith but weak hearts. But his faith is very strong. He seeks guidance, like every other president does, in prayer. And that means trying to be sure he's doing the right thing. And if you've got that set, all the criticism, it doesn't faze you very much. You're answering to God."
You know who else is answering to God, Mr. Novak? How about the 3500 Americans your president has sent to die for a lie? There's a legacy for Bush to fret over, assuming he's capable of worrying about anything other than himself and what God thinks of him.
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