
Overheard at the Bookstore

Both of these "conversations" took place between what I assume were mothers with their young sons. Both "conversations" were overheard by me in a Borders in Las Vegas.

Mother and 9-10 year-old son browsing through the metaphysical/spiritual section (located obnoxiously close to the Medieval/Renaissance section where I was browsing)

Mother (after son yells out book title to her, something he's been doing for the last 15 minutes): Oh, that's a good one.

Son: Have you read it?

Mother: No, but it has a good aura. I can feel its energy.

Shit, that bitch should be writing for Publisher's Weekly! Either that or lifting rocks with Yoda.

Mother and 6-7 year-old son. Mother is leaning against a shelf and reading a paperback, effectively blocking anyone else from seeing or being able to reach the rest of the books on the shelf. Son is sitting on the floor at her feet, desperately trying to get her attention.

Mother: Will you shut up! I'm trying to read, but I can't because you keep talking!

I expect this kid will grow up to be either a video game developer or a jock who beats up anyone he sees with a book.

Today's post is dedicated to everyone who read to me as a kid.


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